A Domain name is exact location of a server on
the Internet. Some Domain names can be the actual name of your business, like www.microsoft.com . Once a Domain name is registered
on the Internet no one else can use that name. It is important that you select a name that
uniquely identifies your company on the Internet.
If you would like to have your own myname.com address on the
internet you must register for a Domain name. DEADPOINT will register your selected name
to InterNic which requires a $100 fee. If you don't need or want a Domain name you can
select a sub-host name of deadpoint.net like www.myname.deadpoint.net there is no need for
Domain registry and your Web address is available immediately.
When you are ready to get your pages on the Internet, your
Domain name must be registered with InterNIC. DEADPOINT will submit your sign up
information to InterNIC the day It is received and it will take up to 3 days for a
response from them. If the Domain name you chose is available, we will advise you of your
new Web site address.
Your Domain name can be anything you want it to be, as long
as it is available. InterNIC does have restrictions on the name, you are responsible in
following these rules if you select your own name.
InterNIC handles all Internet registry. In order to obtain a
.com, .net, .org, address you must be registered with InterNIC.
File Transfer Protocol. FTP is a method in which to transfer
files across the internet
Web site design starts after consultation and acceptance of
estimate. Most Webs take less than two weeks.
If you would just like the Web site hosting service, www.yoursite.deadpoint.net,
connection is activated the same day.
If you would like a Domain service, www.yoursite.com, connection is activated upon
InterNIC acceptance, 3-4 days.