Policies Violation of
policies can result in warnings, suspension, or termination of service, or in some cases,
fines or legal action. Our server policies are as follows.
Lawful Use
Customers may not use our server facilities and capabilities to conduct or solicit the
performance of any illegal activity or to conduct any other activity which infringes the
rights of Deadpoint or any third party.
Inappropriate Material
We will not host or handle material that contains nudity, pornography,
obscenity, discriminatory/hate propaganda, "warez" related sites, or sites that
promote the illegal distribution of software, or similar material that causes an overload
of our systems or results in reasonable complaints from other customers or third parties.
Intellectual Property Rights
Customers may not upload or transmit any message, data, images or programs
that would violate the property rights of others, including unauthorized copyrighted text,
images, music, or programs, trade secrets or other confidential proprietary information,
or trademarks, service marks or trade names used in an infringing manner.
Internet Junk Mail (SPAM, Flames, and Mail-Bombs)
Our servers will not be the source, intermediary, or destination address
involved in the transmission of SPAM, flames or mail-bombs. Our servers will not be listed
in any spammed message, either as an originator, intermediary, or reply-to address. We
defines spam to be any mass unsolicited message in the mediums of email, newsgroups, or
web hosting. We defines flames/mail-bombs to be any attempt to send large numbers of
messages to a single or multiple addresses in the mediums of email, newsgroups, or web
Violation will result in immediate termination of all services without refund,
additionally theft of service fines or other legal action may be imposed. Any customer who
is repeatedly flamed/mail-bombed or attracts such behavior will be asked to leave.
Interference With Service
There shall be no attempt to gain unauthorized access to our systems or
accounts, disrupt service or network connectivity, misuse Deadpoint facilities, or create
fraudulent accounts.
Slander and Privacy
Customers may not upload or transmit any information which is libelous or
defamatory, or which violates or infringes any right of privacy of any person.
Customer Privacy
We respect the privacy of our customers, and will not sell, trade or give
out the names of its customers. However, we do reserve the right to provide contact
information upon request in matters relating to potential legal action, flagrant abuses,
or as required by law.
In the event that any virus or destructive element is found or furnished
with any content, the customer will use their best efforts upon learning that such
situation exists, to immediately eliminate the virus or destructive element. Customer will
notify us as to the existence of any such virus or destructive element immediately upon
discovery thereof, and we will have the right to take any steps it deems necessary to
eliminate the virus or destructive element and to be reimbursed by the customer for its
costs relating to any such commercially reasonable steps.
Deadpoint services are provided for end users only. No subhosting or
resale of any services is not permitted.
Refusal of service
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at our sole discretion.
Criminal Prosecution
There are numerous Federal, State and International laws regulating the
use of the Internet. Deadpoint will not hesitate to initiate criminal prosecution and/or
cooperate with government agencies relating to abuse of Deadpoint's services or systems.
Services and prices
Deadpoint may cancel specials or promotions at any time for any reason.
Prices are subject to change at any time, and prices are only guaranteed for the period of
Unlimited web space and traffic / good faith policy
Deadpoint Internet services include "unlimited web space" and
"unlimited traffic" in an effort to give our customers flexibility and breathing
room with the elimination of artificial space and bandwidth "ceilings." We
expect our customers to use these resources in good faith.
Due to the unique resource characteristics and hit patterns associated with certain site
types of sites, the following do not qualify for unlimited web space or bandwidth, and
should contact Deadpoint regarding metered rate accounts: file/download archives
(including shareware archives, sound archives, video
archives, image archives, and multimedia archives), mirrors, distribution points, or any
other site that's sole or primary purpose is for file distribution.
In addition, to prevent abuse; 1) Deadpoint web space must be used as a facility for web
hosting only; 2) Deadpoint storage must not be used as a facility for backup purposes; 3)
All non-HTML files must be referenced by HTML files.
Large sites MUST make prior arrangements with Deadpoint before signing up. Specifically,
drastic changes or increases in storage size or bandwidth must be coordinated with us so
that we are
prepared to handle the increase in resource demand. In short, Deadpoint will give large
sites the flexibility they need, provided that such accounts do not negatively impact
other of our customers.
Deadpoint's unlimited storage policy also applies to our email accounts. However,
Deadpoint email accounts may not be used for permanent storage of email, and must be
cleared periodically. In other words, don't click the "leave mail on server" box
found in many popular email clients.
Violation of this "good faith" policy can result in warnings or requests to
switch to a metered rate. Flagrant violations can result in termination of service.
Appropriate warning will be given.
Deadpoint Policies
We reserve the right to change our policies at any time for any reason. |
